Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Why do I have sensitivity to cold after a wisdom tooth extraction?

Some patients report cold sensitivity after a wisdom tooth is extracted. If this occurs it usually is coming from the tooth directly anterior to the extraction site. If the root area of that tooth is more exposed after the extraction it can feel increased cold sensitivity. Also if the tooth anterior to the extraction sight has been luxated (wiggled) during the extraction it can experience an increased sensitivity to cold. Usually this sensitivity will gradually go away.


  1. This sensitivity goes after sometime. This post is good for the patients who don't know about this.

  2. Hello Doctor,

    Thank you for the information. I had my wisdom tooth removed in Jan 2013. Even today I can't chew food on my left side. It gets sensitive. If I forcefully chew food and then drink water. I get a deep pain. Couple of minutes later I get to normal. Please advice.

    1. Anonymous2:52 AM

      Bro apply sensodine paste on that area where you feel more sensitivity and leave it for 20 minutes and then clean it regulary definately you will see the result.even i to had that sensitivity now iam perfectly alright

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You may want to have your dentist check the tooth in front where you had your wisdom tooth removed. It may have a crack in it.

  5. Hello doctor

    I had wisdom tooth extraction from right side of my lower jaw. It's been 10 days of the removal. I feel very senstive in my lower jaw and upper teeth are good. Can u suggest what is the reason behind the sensitivity of my teeth

  6. 12th day and I feel pain lower extraction wisdom tooth. Cold water sensitive please help

  7. Hello, so all this makes sense but would the sensitivity be greater if the tooth next to where the wisdom tooth was has had a root canal?

  8. This is a very useful post and relevant post.wisdom tooth removal in mahim
