Monday, July 12, 2010

Do cavities always hurt?

Dental examinations are usually recommended every six months, in order to detect cavities at an early stage and to allow stagnant plaque and tarter to be reoved, before it can damage the teeth and gingival tissues. Often early stages of decay and gingivitis are relatively painless.

Although large cavities can cause pain, most small to medium ones cause little or no discomfort. I find that where their teeth are concerned many people reassure themselves by thinking that if nothing hurts they have no teeth problems. Unfortunately, this is not always true. The best way to determine whether decay is present is an examination by a dentist. Radiographs help detect interproximal decay and a bright light and a dental explorer are helpful to find occlusal,buccal and lingual decay.


  1. Toothache or sensitivity are the main symptoms of a cavity.However if you let it go long enough, chronic bad breath and taste are also symptoms you should be aware can assure yourself by taking a small dentists' mirror and take a look at your hurting tooth.If dark spots or chipped teeth are found, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. San Luis Obispo Dentist

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Great post! Here's another interesting blog post about Tooth Decay in Children It has a lot of useful information for parents! Take a look.

  3. "Toothache" is pain typically around a tooth, teeth or jaws.The severity of a toothache can range from chronic and mild to sharp and excruciating.A regular checkup must be performed once every six months. Its a common dental care step which everyone should be aware of. Thanks for sharing.Dentist santa monica
