Friday, February 18, 2011

Why is dental floss probably the best investment you could ever make?

Ok, maybe this is a little overstated, since purchasing Google stock at the IPO might yield a better rate of return, but floss purchased and used properly at an early age will yield high dividends in the future. If a twelve year old starts using floss correctly on a daily basis, there is a good chance he or she will never develop proximal caries. Assuming that he or she sticks to a recommended twice yearly cleaning and check up, periodontal disease is not likely to become a problem.

Over the course of a lifetime, not having to repair, extract and replace teeth may save enough money to buy a very expensive car or two (depending on how much dental work they would have required). In this economic climate, saving money is a hot topic, and I am making a pitch for us all to save money by taking better care of our teeth.

If you are like most people you probably haven't always been a perfect flosser and probably haven't always had your teeth cleaned on schedule, but it is never too late to do better. Why not make a belated New Years Resolution? Why not resolve to floss every day and of course please schedule a recall appointment when my secretary calls to remind you!

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