Saturday, May 07, 2011

When are you going to get Ida a new computer?

I am embarrassed to say that this is a question I get asked at least once per month. Ida is my office manager/receptionist and she has been using a Power Mac (circa 1996) to run our out dated office management Dental Mac software. I am not really as cheap as it sounds, since buying a new computer was not the issue. What was I waiting for???? I was waiting for the right time to invest in a new dental management system and in networking my office. This is a necessary, but fairly costly investment.

I am happy to report that we had the office wired yesterday and Ida has a brand new Dell computer! We purchased the Dentrix G4 management system and will be receiving our training shortly. This program, when used in conjunction with the Dexis digital X-ray system we installed in 2009, allows our office management system to be fully digital. If we choose, we can go paperless and use the system for maintaining all of our patients records, as well as submitting dental insurance claims electronically.


  1. While you are in the mindset for spending money I highly recommend an extenion to your system that handles patient reminders and other marketing functions. One of the best is Lighthouse360. Highly recommend it to my web marketing clients.
